Tomato Investigation

I had learned that as a reaction to the gravity, plants grow upward towards the sky. The idea got me thinking, “How will plants react being blocked from growing upward?” To answer my questions, I set up an experiment and observed with my own eyes with a hypothesis that the plants will grow upside down through the bottom hole of the bottle when there’s no way for them to grow upward. My initial intention was to observe tomato, but my tomato never actually germinated, so I ended up observing grass. With a clear plastic cover covering the grass, I observed that the grass seems to stop growing when it hits the cover and instead use its leaf to search its way through by having it growing longer and touching the cover. As, a conclusion, grass would stop growing when entering a blockage and use their leaf to search for a new approach in order to grow upward, but dies when there is no way for them to grow upward. My hypothesis ended up being wrong, but it was fun and interesting to see how the grass grow.

White Building Exploration

As a group of nine students, we are trying to capture people’s thought about the demolishment of the white building. As part of our exploration, we studied about the past evictions in Phnom Penh and the history of the white building. We also traveled to different parts of Phnom Penh and interviewed many people including, the former residence of the building, the government, and the company that invests in the building while taking shots of the urban life and the city. At the end, we put together a documentary, a podcast, a poem, a song and many more creative projects. To learn about the white building and what we had done watch the documentary below.