Vapac Description

Exploration Name: VaPAC

Exploration Dates: Jan 20 to Mar 7

Number of students: 12 students


My group name is VaPAC. It stands for Visual and Performing Arts Cambodia. Our group areas are trip, sign language and mask-making. First I want to talk about the trip. Our group trip was going to Kampot Province. We went there to learn about the Cambodian arts and the disabled people. When we went there we knew that the disabled people can communicate by using sign language. Sign language is so important for the disabled people. We also learned some sign language too. The disabled people can do arts too. They do it by using movement. The next area is mask-making. Our group made the own mask. The mask is made by the paper. It took a lot of time to make one mask. When we finished doing the mask-making we designed what it will look like. The design can be used for performing. It also can be used for sale and hang it on the wall. Our goal was to make the story and do it by using the movement. When we do the movement we can’t say anything.


When I went to Epic Art, I felt happy because I knew that Epic Art stands for every person counts. All the disabled people can dance. First they taught me sign language. The words I learned are toilet, rest, water, clapping, like and clear. Then they taught me how to do exercises and play a game. I had to pick 5 styles of sitting with my group. When I  performed, I felt very nervous; but, after I finished the sitting dance I felt normal.  Next I had to make 3 pictures with the group. When I performed my 3 pictures with my group,I felt brave. After playing a game, they taught me sign language for the words mother, father, child, girl, boy and sibling. After learning the circle dance, I realized that I really enjoyed this type of dance. At lunch time, I interviewed the students at Epic Art by writing down some questions. During the interview, I was very impressed with how the deaf people can write and read. People at Epic Arts they use their body to make an interesting dance.At the end I’m so proud of myself because I performed my best dance ever.

Untitled (2)

I felt surprise to hear about this artist story. His story was he knew how to draw since he was 8 year old, the reason he came up of an idea to make fish with coconut because when when he saw the coconut drop he think that it look like a fish, so he try to make one fish and it success so he make more and more to sale.


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